Tuesday, August 23, 2011

John Coltrane X A Love Supreme X 1965 Live Video

If you know me, you know Sir John Coltrane is my favorite, and please remember that "Love is SUPREME"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Platini X "No Country" Video

The BEA$T has done it again, this time he has provided a visual for his  "No Country" record released earlier this year. Please keep in mind that the "Beast Mode The Prequel" and "Beast Mode The EP" projects will be released soon, so stay TUNED!!! 954 stand UP!
Want the MP3? sure!  http://platini.bandcamp.com/track/no-country-4-11-11-week-7

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The End Of An Era: Ralph Lauren Drops "Polo"

It’s hard to escape the thunderous talk of economic doom and gloom. But one brand experiencing substantial growth on Wall Street in the past few months is Polo Ralph Lauren…or should I say Ralph Lauren.

In 1972, Ralph Lauren christened his original line ‘Polo’. However, last week shareholders voted to drop ‘Polo’ from the company’s name. This enables the brand to tighten its image across all sub-lines as a prelude to a worldwide expansion into emerging markets.

Glad that I have two closets stocked with every generation of  POLO-----> the legacy still LIVES!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Miami Spice - August 1 - September 30, 2011

Miami Spice will run from August 1- September 30, 2011 with even more rave reviews!

**Check out events and special offers at a list of countless restaurants presenting the most delectable cuisine.
Miami Spice 2011 is a mouth-watering restaurant promotion showcasing the very best of Miami cuisine.
During August and September, Miami’s top restaurants offer three-course meals (Lunch $22, Dinner $35) featuring signature dishes created by world-renowned chefs. Discover the tropical fusion of ingredients that makes Miami dining so wonderfully out of the ordinary. An epicure’s paradise awaits you in Greater Miami and the Beaches!

For more on these restaurants and fine dining in Miami, click here: http://ilovemiamispice.com/participants.htm

Dam-funk X Candy Dancin' @ TAICOCLUB


The 7 Main Chakras

7th chakra - Sahasrara - Crown chakra

Light ray - Yellow

Archangel Jophiel

Endocrine Gland: Pineal gland (Epiphysis)

Positive characteristics: infinity, unity, freedom, Divine level of consciousness

Negative characteristics: none

Mantra: AUM

6th chakra - Ajna - Third Eye

Light ray - Green

Archangel: Raphael

Endocrine Gland: Pituitary gland or hypophysis

Positive characteristics: mental abilities, concentration, inner wisdom

Negative characteristics: pride, arrogance, suspicion

Mantra: OM

sixth chakra stones

5th chakra - Vishuddha - Throat Chakra

Light ray - Blue

Archangel: Michael

Endocrine Gland: Thyroid

Positive characteristics: peace, calm, emotional balance, joy, determination, will for action

Negative characteristics: jealousy, misuse of personal power

Mantra: HAM

fifth chakra stones

4th chakra - Anahata - Heart

Light ray - Pink

Archangel: Chamuel

Endocrine Gland: Thymus

Positive characteristics: love, gentleness, adoration, healing

Negative characteristics: lethargy, passivity, laziness

Mantra: YAM

fourth chakra stones

3rd chakra - Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra

Light ray - Ruby

Archangel: Uriel

Endocrine Gland: Pancreas

Positive characteristics: peace, service to God

Negative characteristics: greed, obesity, fear,

Mantra: RAM

third chakra stones

2nd chakra - Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra

Light ray - Violet Flame

Archangel: Zadkiel

Endocrine Gland: Gonads

Positive characteristics: rhythm, accuracy, the power of invocation

Negative characteristics: anger, menace, hatred, apathy

Mantra: VAM

second chakra stones

1st chakra - Muladhara - Base or Root Chakra

Light ray - White

Archangel: Gabriel

Endocrine Gland: Adrenaline glands

Positive characteristics: purity, resurrection, the needs of the physical body,

Negative characteristics: passion, lust

Mantra: LAM

first chakra stones